Spiritual Integration in Isl?mic Psychotherapy offers readers a profound exploration of the therapist's inner world and its impact on therapeutic practice. Through introspective reflections and practical insights, readers embark on a transformative journey into the world of an Isl?mic psychotherapist, going beyond technical skills and theoretical knowledge by emphasising the character, intention, and spiritual connection of the therapist with God (Alláh). The book introduces the unique role of the Isl?mic psychotherapist, discussing their responsibilities, skills, and qualifications. It emphasises the importance of ethical conduct, continuous learning, and self-reflection, recognising the profound influence of the therapist's character, intentions, and spiritual connection on the healing process. It also explores integrating Isl?mic principles into therapeutic practice and provides guidance on tailoring interventions to align with the religious and cultural backgrounds of Muslim clients. Real-life case studies, practical techniques and strategies and concrete suggestions for incorporating Qur?ânic verses, supplications, and spiritual practices into therapy are featured throughout. Spiritual Integration in Isl?mic Psychotherapy serves as an invaluable resource for Isl?mic psychotherapists, empowering them to deepen their understanding of how their religion/spirituality intersect with their clinical work to ultimately better serve their clients.